Thursday, October 27, 2011

magazine ideas and sketches

here are the two ideas i came up with for my magazine cover.  The first one will be a house that is broken down and looks haunted with a tree and foliage landscape picture scanned in behind the house.  The second idea is having a person hold a tool that helps track ghosts.

In our group critique we have decided to combine these two ideas.  I am going to have a haunted looking house in the background and then in the foreground i will have the tool being held up by someone, sou will see the hands on the side.

Here are my ideas for the masshead.  I am thinking of going with either the 1st, 5th, 13th, 14th, 16th.  i am unsure at this point.

I also am unsure about the illustration i am going to put onto the cover.  i was thinking maybe a certain state with a pop out like illustration showing the haunted place i want to talk about in that state.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 this is my mind map and mood board.  I had a lot of different ways i could go but i decided to go with a magazine for haunted places in the North East of the US.  I want to concentrate more on history than fake scary (BOO!) stuff.

 Who is the target audience?  My Target audience is people who are interested in talking to the dead and investigating historic places.
What is the name of your magazine? Why? Connotations?  North Eastern Hauntings, I decided to go with only NE US because the whole US is pretty large and i feel like people would be more likely to visit things in their own general area.  So there will be different magazines for different zones.  There are no connotations its pretty general and gets the point across.
What will your masthead look like? Do you have any ideas for fonts? It will be at the top and stand out.  i am thinking of a historic type of font, but creepy at the same time, like what you would see in and old book.
What images will be on the cover and why?  I will put a picture of an old abandoned home or place that is said to be haunted.  it will get the point across to what the magazine is about if the title didn't already.
What will be your sell lines to entice your target audience?  True stories of local hauntings.  Most Haunted place in the US right in your backyard.  New equipment the pros are using to track spirits.  I will chose things like that, that will get the people that want to experience hauntings to look inside for information on where and how to.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Picture in picture

I portrayed myself to be the "other woman".  The other girlfriend found out about me and threw him and his stuff out.  I am there looking down on him ashamed because i followed him to his other girlfriends house because i was suspecting him of cheating.  So when i saw him go into an apartment i didn't recognize i went to find out who he was there with, and he was busted! Now she threw him out and i am there ashamed of his actions but at the same time happy because he is now only with me, the even more psycho girlfriend.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Types of Images

This is my chart of all different ways to edit photo color and display in Photoshop.  The Vector Art was done is Illustrator.  This was a fun and easy project to do, I liked changing the colors the most.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This is my house that i created sketch up.  i wish i would have had more time to work on it and perfect it.  At first i had a hard time getting things to go my way in the program.  But one i kept going i got the hang of it.



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Seed packets

I had a really hard time coming up with an idea for the seed packets.  I originally had an alice in wonderland theme, and realized that i didn't have enough to create three seeds.  So instead i had a concept for peter pan.  I went with this idea, and then on the 2nd one, we realized that mushrooms do not really have anything to do with peter pan, but more with alice in wonderland.  So from there i went into a fairytale story theme.  The concept didn't come all together until i created the third packet.  So the concept i came to was a series of Disney movie ideas.  The series of seeds is called Disney Gardens.  The three packets were; Wendy's Garden, playing off of peter pan, Ariel's Garden, from the little mermaid, and Alice's Garden, from Alice in Wonderland.

The mesh tool was the hardest thing about these packets.  I could not get it to work in my favor.  I did some practice and talked to the professor, and finally i got a good understanding of the tool and was able to use it well.

I did not do any sketches for this project i just went right into the illustrations.  Because i did not have a solid concept until i created the last packet, i didn't have much ideas written down, but i did do some research on the first concepts i had.

Wendy's garden.  I chose to go with the Tinker Bell.  The flower resembles a bell shape, and has fairy dust falling out of its petals.  The fairy dust will help you to fly when sprinkled on you, just like in the movie. I first created the big flower in the middle and that was all i had.  I then revised it and put a small bud next to it, and added the one coming in from the top right side.  I think adding these really pulled things together.

Alice's Garden, this was taking from alice and wonderland.  I decided to have mushrooms as the plant, and they are magic.  The mushrooms are found in the movie, and the movie is about the way a child looks at the world with innocence and imagination, which is exactly what these mushrooms allow you to do.  This one just happened so easily, i had the idea and i did it.  The only thing i revised is adding a little bit of the red color to the underside of the mushrooms, and the bigger ones gradually got redder.

The Final seed packet i did was Ariel's Garden, from the little mermaid.  This movie takes place under the sea, and i know when i was little i always wished i could live with ariel under the sea.  So i decided to create these orb type plants that retain oxygen in their bottom orb, and the top part of the plant sucks onto your face while you are under the water.  

This is the backside of the mushroom packet.  I chose to do the back of this packet because the mushroom one i feel is my strongest one. I included a general description about the Disney Gardens brand, and then a more in depth description about the mushrooms themselves.  

This is the final product mounted.  I chose to put it in the order that i did them in for two reasons.  1 because it was the order i did them in i wanted people to see the progression i went through.  2 because the colors got lighter and more red as they went on, and i thought that showed a good progression in color.